About Us

We create engaging and educational animated videos for Catholic children, and make them available free of charge.
About Us

🙋🏾‍♂️ First Things First: I Created This Site Because I Wanted Something Like It.

I am a teacher by trade, and I found few free resources for Catholic kids. So, I decided to start making colorful and fun songs and videos for Catholic kids, which will be free, for everyone, forever 😇

This is 100% a labor of love 🥰

Having this site is already helping my small children. If it helps me, it will likely help other Catholics as well!

If you think this endeavor is worthwhile, you can help us improve our animations and reach more Catholic kids by donating at kids.sdcason.com/donate

Or you can contact me at tawk.to/sdcason for questions or comments.

Lastly, we use the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. This means that you can use our content for any purpose and in any format, even for commercial use, as long as you give us credit. Download links are on each page. Please include the attribution "made by kids.sdcason.com" or something similar if you reuse our material.

Until then,
Godspeed and Stay Holy,


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