Liminal Ambient
Monastery Music
Volume One
What is Liminal Ambient Music?
What is Liminal Ambient Music? According to Venus Theory (youtube.com/@VenusTheory), “Liminal Ambient looks down the barrel of a generation exhausted of information overload.” In short, he claims that Liminal Ambient dives into the idea of music as an experience that plays into the nostalgia of the digital age. It's the idea of music that expresses the feeling that we are more connected than ever and yet more divided than ever.
But what is a liminal space? According to Wikipedia, “liminal spaces are empty or abandoned places that appear eerie, forlorn, and often surreal.” Wikipedia goes on further to state that, “Broadly, the term liminal space is used to describe a place or state of change or transition; this may be physical or psychological. Liminal space imagery often depicts this sense of “in-between,” capturing transitional places (such as stairwells, roads, corridors, or hotels) unsettlingly devoid of people. The aesthetic may convey moods of eeriness, surrealism, nostalgia, or sadness and elicit responses of both comfort and unease.
This collection of Liminal Ambient music is inspired by Catholic monasteries. Places of silence, stillness, and solitude. Buildings where people don't so much do things, but where people are in the business of becoming holy; becoming closer to Jesus Christ. From the outside, they are strange in-between places. In-between heaven and earth. In between holy and profane. They are places for people to transcend, and therefore, they are the perfect subject for liminal ambient music.
Listen to these tracks, and imagine yourself in a monastery, all alone, seeking Jesus Christ.
God bless +
Shalone Cason